European Association of Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Nutrition (EAGEN) European Helicobacter Study Group (EHSG) Postgraduate Course The road from inflammation to cancer in upper GI tract Wrocław, Poland 25th September 2014
Wszystkie wykłady będą tłumaczone symultanicznie na język polski! |
10.00-10.05 |
P. Malfertheiner, J. Reguła
10.05-12.10 |
Chairmen: P. Malfertheiner, J. Reguła
10.05-10.20 |
Introductory lecture: the road from inflammation to cancer Tomica Milosavljevic (Serbia) |
10.20-10.30 |
Discussion and interactive voting |
10.30-10.50 |
Case based lecture: patient with heartburn - history, endoscopy, medical/interventional therapy Colm O'Morain (Ireland) |
10.50-11.00 |
Discussion and interactive voting |
11.00-11.20 |
Case based lecture: patient with severe reflux - history, diagnostic work-up, therapy Lars Lundell (Sweden) |
11.20-11.40 |
Discussion and interactive voting |
11.40-12.00 |
Case based lecture: patient with oesophageal food impaction Heinz Hammer (Austria) |
12.00-12.10 |
Discussion and interactive voting |
12.10-12.30 |
Coffee break |
12.30-14.00 |
Chairmen: L. Lundell, J. Malagelada
12.30-12.50 |
Case based lecture: patient with Barrett oesophagus and cancer - history, endoscopy, medical/interventional therapy Jochen Weigt (Germany) |
12.50-13.00 |
Discussion and interactive voting |
13.00-13.20 |
Case based lecture: patient with dyspeptic symptoms - how does the stomach signal discomfort and disease. History, diagnosis, endoscopy, medical/interventional therapy Juan Malagelada (Spain) |
13.20-13.30 |
Discussion and interactive voting |
13.30-13.50 |
Case based lecture: patients with gastric malignancies - history, diagnosis, endoscopy, medical/interventional therapy Tamara Matysiak-Budnik (France) |
13.50-14.00 |
Discussion and interactive voting |
14.00-14.40 |
Lunch break |
14.40-16.15 |
Chairmen: F. Megraud, T. Matysiak-Budnik
14.40-15.00 |
Case based lecture: familial gastric cancer - clinical and practical advices Gunther Krejs (Austria) |
15.00-15.10 |
Discussion and interactive voting |
15.10-15.30 |
Helicobacter pylori and cancer: what studies are needed? Peter Malfertheiner (Germany) |
15.30-15.40 |
Discussion and interactive voting |
15.40-16.05 |
State of the art: current Helicobacter pylori eradication guidelines Francis Megraud (France) |
16.05-16.15 |
Discussion and interactive voting |
16.15-16.20 |
Closure of the Conference